Sunday, April 12, 2009


Many will be wondered why the horses that live in taken care of freedom do not need all this type of and live long years without serious problems in their helmets. The reason is clearly; the human requests to the animal the accomplishment to him of a series of tasks that the wild horse does not have to realise: to load with a rider, to jump, to galopar on asphalt, to remain long hours estabulado… all these activities are not natural and bring about an unnatural tension in the feet and legs of the animal.The cornea of the helmet does not stop growing during all the life of the horse (calculates that approximately a centimeter to the month of average), but also it is worn away, mainly if the animal works on a hard surface. Of there the necessity to use the ironworks, that will serve to avoid the excessive wearing down of the helmet.


The general care of the helmet happens through its cleaning, task to which the maximum importance is due to give him. In the great majority of the cases, the lack of cleaning, along with the use of inadequate fats and excessively humid beds, is the main causes of the serious problems that all we know in the helmets of our animal. For that reason it is fundamental that the cleaning work is realised every day, choosing for it like suitable moment more just before coming to mount.
For the cleaning we will use the denominated LIMPIACASCOS, of the following way:

Trataremos to eliminate the dirt working from the heel towards the fire; putting special taken care of not to penetrate in the soft zones of ranilla.Cuidaremos especially the cleanliness of the furrows collaterals of ranilla, since it is the place preferred for the bacteria, stones and any sharp element. At the time of cleaning the central groove, we will put our maximum attention in the search of any signal of rottenness.Comprobaremos the existence of you do not cut nor cracks, as well as the degree of dryness of the helmet. In case we detect bad scent, a great possibility will exist of being before an infection.If it is thus, we will come to clean the helmet completely and will apply water oxygenated in the affected zones. To this we will at least once repeat it operation to the day (and by all means, we will consult the subject with the veterinarian or horseshoer).

Para to finish the cleaning, we will verify that the horseshoe stays placed perfectly and will pass the fingers through the rivets to verify that they stay in its site. It is necessary to consider that if we did not realise the cleaning on a daily basis, we will not be able to perceive the appearance of a problem until the moment at which the horse begins to cojear; what sometimes it can be too much behind schedule. Besides the cleaning of the helmets, we will have to put special well-taken care of in the cleaning of the stable. It is fundamental that a estabulado animal has a dry and clean bed; it does not have nothing else destructive for the helmets that the ammoniac one of the horse remainders and the bed in decomposition.


Etymological the term “Cólico” means “pain colon”. In our days the meaning of this word has extended and now cólico to any pain located in the abdominal cavity is considered. Really, one is ailments of the digestive apparatus characterized by pain, and that are even accompanied by functional alterations and in the topography of the vísceras of the abdominal cavity.All that we are related to the world of the horses we have heard speak in some occasion of the cólicos feared ones, that at the moment represent between the 15 and 20% of the clinical acts that develops the dedicated veterinarian to the horse medicine.The cólico is without a doubt the main cause of death in horses. To know this disease, its symptoms and treatments, is therefore vitally important for any caretaker.

The horse is, without doubts, the animal that undergoes the consequences of the cólicos more; the cause intimately is related to manifolds and varied questions that they have to do with the physical characteristics and of behavior of the animal.One of most important is the one than it comes determined by the own anatomical conditions of the horses: they own an intestine with an approximated length of 30 to 35 meters and with a noticeable variation in their size. To this a stomach of reduced size must be added, characterized by a fast gastric transit, which causes that during the day it must drain several times his content, sending to the intestine foods with insufficient degree of digestion.Another one of the fundamental reasons is the errors in the nutrition; essentially related to the quality and amount of the provided ingestion. But in addition we must consider the work that on a daily basis the animal carries out, the excessive exercise, the cooling, the cold drink administration… are all factors of risk that put to the horse in the perfect conditions “to be attacked” by a .

Health of the pole horse

Which is the correct form to cepillar to a horse? There is some effective method to cut the coat without scaring it?

To maintain polished a horse is very important. Although its more visible effect is cosmetic, also it is a contribution to its health and general well-being. He is frequent to see that the necessary time is not dedicated to the tasks of embellishment of the animal, perhaps due to the accelerated times inherent the programming of the pole.

The horses must regularly be cepillados using appropriate brushes, scrapers and rags. He is advisable to downwards do it and in the direction of the tail, with cepilladas long and firm. The brushes of short hair are the best ones for the body, whereas those of longer bristles are adapted to use around the face.

The horses also must be washed regularly, and not only when they return from paddock full of mud. Smooth soaps must be used, preferably with lukewarm water, to relax the dirt and oils of the skin. Always the cepillado one will be more effective on a horse washed with regularity.


The cólico can be defined as the pain perceived by the animal that suffers a picture of acute abdomen from location in the gastrointestinal apparatus or the genito-urinary organs. We know that the animal perceive the pain, because the same generates a set of anomalies detrimental for all the organism.The main causes of in horse we can find them in the own feeding and the parasites of the digestive apparatus.

* Nutritional reasons:
* A little diet.
* An excessive diet.
* Diet composed by very rich in energy or very rich foods in protein
* Diet with an excessive amount of little digestible gross fiber.
* Hard waters, the water in amount insufficient or when this one is administered - excessively it fries or contaminated.
* Parasites of the digestive apparatus: it is the most frequent cause of cólico in the horses: - until a 30% in estabulados animal and 90% in animal in freedom.
* The routine desparasitación diminishes the presentation of cólicos of considerable form.

Taken care of of the coat

In order to facilitate the cooling (cooling) and to avoid that they are enrieden with the reins, the horsehairs of the pole horses are trimmed (roached) with regularity. The horsehairs of the head must be cut near the skin and be maintained of that way. Some players prefer to leave the fall of hair in means of the head without trimming it to provide protection against the flies when the horse is grazing. Others let to a bush of horsehairs above de la Cruz to have a visual guide of the position of the mount.

There are many techniques of the care of a horse that require practice and patience, and the cut of the coat is one of them. Many prefer not to cut it, since when doing it changes it the color, loses the brightness and it is put dry. In the majority of the cases it is cut after a long period of rest, like the months of winter, when the coat grows more dense express and. The results vary between the horses that have been unheeded and those that have been taken care of with regularity, still maintaining their coat of winter. Cut the dark coats and the chestnut ones are clarified to the being. Unlike the horses of exhibition, whose coats are cut by pure aesthetic, in the case of the pole the objective is, mainly, to facilitate the cooling (cooling).

Cutting ones exist in the designed market several of hair for the different parts from the horse: the great ones are used for the body and smallest and quiet for the sensible head, ears and other parts and difficult. Before the cut, the leaves of the shaver must be checked and be replaced if it is necessary, besides oiled frequently during the procedure. The best way to begin is with a good bath, using soap to most of eliminate the dirt of the coat. The hair must be completely dry before beginning to cut it; even, if it is possible, the bath must become the day previous. Thus, with the clean hair, the shavers will work with greater effectiveness and their leaves will last more.

Process of cuts gradually.

Although the haircut does not inconvenience to some horses, usually is not an pleasant process for the majority, so it chooses a place where it can be tied far from the transit of people or vehicles and tries to do it at moments of tranquillity, like early to the morning or to afternoon, after the food. The most easily frightened horses must be introduced to the process of cuts gradually.

Besides dealing with not puncturing it or cutting it with the machine, it is necessary to try not to leave lines in the cut. It gradually begins masajeando to the horse, passing his hands over all the parts of the body and paying special attention to the areas that are not touched habitually, like the belly and the ears. Soon it ignites the cutting one to certain distance of the horse, déjela working surrounded in a rag that diminishes the noise, returns to the horse and continues with the massage. When it is calmed, it raises to the machine and manténgala at a distance, gradually continues masajeando and muévala more and more close, until possibly replacing the massage by the cutting one. When the horse realizes from which the sound does not come from an insect that must be frightened, it will relax and you will be able to begin to cut.

The cut must be realised to contrapelo. It begins by the legs, an area in which the horse is customary in contact with tools. It uses smooth, even and short movements in different parts from the coat; the short movements avoid the lines desprolijas. If the coat is very long, will be necessary to cut it first with a great machine and to finish it with smaller. It remembers that one requires of great practice and patience to reach the wished results.

Repulsive of insects

The insects are an important problem for the pole horses. Their natural defenses are fallen to be tied to the trailers or posts by long periods, with their braided tails and saddled. No player wants to see his nervous horses or kicking in reduced spaces, so the repulsive ones are an important part of the general care. There is a great variety of products in the market. The majority contains natural ingredients like the oil of citronella and the pyretrina; others, however, contain synthetic ingredients. They are available in different formats and, by all means, prices: cloth, esprays, aerosols, creams and ointments.

The products with water are less prone to cause to irritations or allergic reactions, although they are not as lasting as the solutions with oil. Many horses are allergic to these last ones and can have severe irritations in the skin or burns. The new solutions of propyleno-glycol are more lasting than those with water and have minors contraindications. It must be had extreme well-taken care of of not there being dew with repulsive the areas of the coat that are covered by the mount. For that reason the cloth is preferable to the aerosols, since when these are applied in open spaces it is very difficult to make sure that the repulsive one covers only the necessary parts.But as the aerosols are the favorites, we advised to apply them on a cloth to distribute it on the coat. If it is not going to use a cloth, it has much taken care of of not sprinkling the nasal eyes and graves, as much of the horse as the own ones.


In case we observe some of the symptoms before set out, it agrees that we put ourselves immediately in contact with the veterinarian.The fast intervention of the professional becomes essential, since he is unique the able one to determine the real diagnosis and the suitable treatment; to which it will come after an exhaustive analysis of the animal. In addition and what it is not less important, it will calm the pain and it will try to restore the normal digestive operation. But in addition, a series of Preventive measures exists that we can carry out:

* To prohibit him to eat or to drink.
* To avoid that it is knocked down and to prepare an abundant bed to him if we see that it cannot stop doing it.

The treatment, that always will have to be determined by the veterinarian, will depend on the cause originates that it, but in general rules the pain calms to avoid autolesiones and antispasmodics are administered.In the serious cases the operation can be necessary to save the life of the animal.