Sunday, April 12, 2009


Like with any disease, to prevent the appearance with the cólico it is always the best option. For it is necessary to diminish the causes that predispose to trigger a picture of this type. We will try to correct the alterations of the teeth, will have to take place treatments against the gastrointestinal parasites and the cold drinks will be prohibited.It will have to strictly control the rationing, that is to say, the quality and the amount of provided foods. It agrees to remember that the sea urchins are extremely sensible to any alterations in their feeding, that can be one of the main causes of disease. If the horse were estabulado, will be advisable to distribute the food in several takings to the day.We must remember that the horses, by their anatomical characteristics, cannot vomit, therefore, a gastric expansion can be produced, with the risk of rupture of the organ and later death. If the cólico is detected in time, the animal will heal almost with total security. That their S-state the adapted one after the disease will depend on different points, like the own cause that caused the cólico, the rapidity whereupon the first symptoms are clear, the immediate accomplishment of a suitable treatment, the answer to the carried out treatment, the presence of general complications (dehydration, shock, et cetera), the reestablishment of the normal gastrointestinal physiology…

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Horse store: All the material of equestrian stores necessary for your horse and you you will be able to find visiting the connections of this section where you will find a relation of equestrian stores.

In the horse store you have articles like:

Accessories for the Rider, Dull Articles of Gift, Booties and Legginses Shirts, T-shirts, Vests and Poles, Cascos and Chisteras, Complements for the Rider Chaquetas and Fracs Trousers, Accessories for the Horse, Cabezadas and Muserolas, Pitchings of Square and Branches, Cinchas Bells, Cinchuelos and Cover, Bedspreads and Blankets Complements for the Horse, Mouths and Fillets, Stirrups and Action of Stirrup, Mantillas, Save-Cross and Sudaderos, Mounts of Taming, Mounts of Jump Cloth, Protectors of Protective Rest and Bandage, Riendas and Martingalas:

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