Sunday, April 12, 2009

Health of the pole horse

Which is the correct form to cepillar to a horse? There is some effective method to cut the coat without scaring it?

To maintain polished a horse is very important. Although its more visible effect is cosmetic, also it is a contribution to its health and general well-being. He is frequent to see that the necessary time is not dedicated to the tasks of embellishment of the animal, perhaps due to the accelerated times inherent the programming of the pole.

The horses must regularly be cepillados using appropriate brushes, scrapers and rags. He is advisable to downwards do it and in the direction of the tail, with cepilladas long and firm. The brushes of short hair are the best ones for the body, whereas those of longer bristles are adapted to use around the face.

The horses also must be washed regularly, and not only when they return from paddock full of mud. Smooth soaps must be used, preferably with lukewarm water, to relax the dirt and oils of the skin. Always the cepillado one will be more effective on a horse washed with regularity.


The cólico can be defined as the pain perceived by the animal that suffers a picture of acute abdomen from location in the gastrointestinal apparatus or the genito-urinary organs. We know that the animal perceive the pain, because the same generates a set of anomalies detrimental for all the organism.The main causes of in horse we can find them in the own feeding and the parasites of the digestive apparatus.

* Nutritional reasons:
* A little diet.
* An excessive diet.
* Diet composed by very rich in energy or very rich foods in protein
* Diet with an excessive amount of little digestible gross fiber.
* Hard waters, the water in amount insufficient or when this one is administered - excessively it fries or contaminated.
* Parasites of the digestive apparatus: it is the most frequent cause of cólico in the horses: - until a 30% in estabulados animal and 90% in animal in freedom.
* The routine desparasitación diminishes the presentation of cólicos of considerable form.

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