Sunday, April 12, 2009

The veterinary expenses

The horses outside the national territory can be assured:

The cover of the insurance is in the national territory. But in the unusual events it is possible to be increased to the cover of the insurance of the horse, covering itself the wrecks happened within the frame with the European Union.

As we must act in case our horse has some wreck:

It will have to urgently communicate it to the attention telephone 24 hours, through what they pondran to him in contact with a veterinarian who will realise the expertise.

* If one is a cólico, our veterinarian will go to realise the opportune medical aid. As long as he has contracted the Cover of cólico.
* If the animal is dead, it will not have to bury it until it is seen by the expert.
* In case of urgency, he always warns his habitual veterinarian, not forgetting to warn of this circumstance when he communicates the wreck to the insuring company.

Cost of the veterinarian before assuring the horse:

For all the horses, independent of its valuation, the company sends a veterinarian of the Network so that it realises the inspection, being the cost of the same in charge of the insuring company of the horse.

Cover of veterinary expenses of the horse:

If the horse undergoes a horse cólico, and whenever this cover is contracted, compñia will render, through its network of veterinarians, the attendance that can require the horse, including veterinary services, expenses of medecines, hospitalization and surgery of the horse, with the limit of the value assured for the horse. The rest of covers of sguro of the horse does not include in any case the veterinary expenses

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