Sunday, April 12, 2009


Etymological the term “Cólico” means “pain colon”. In our days the meaning of this word has extended and now cólico to any pain located in the abdominal cavity is considered. Really, one is ailments of the digestive apparatus characterized by pain, and that are even accompanied by functional alterations and in the topography of the vísceras of the abdominal cavity.All that we are related to the world of the horses we have heard speak in some occasion of the cólicos feared ones, that at the moment represent between the 15 and 20% of the clinical acts that develops the dedicated veterinarian to the horse medicine.The cólico is without a doubt the main cause of death in horses. To know this disease, its symptoms and treatments, is therefore vitally important for any caretaker.

The horse is, without doubts, the animal that undergoes the consequences of the cólicos more; the cause intimately is related to manifolds and varied questions that they have to do with the physical characteristics and of behavior of the animal.One of most important is the one than it comes determined by the own anatomical conditions of the horses: they own an intestine with an approximated length of 30 to 35 meters and with a noticeable variation in their size. To this a stomach of reduced size must be added, characterized by a fast gastric transit, which causes that during the day it must drain several times his content, sending to the intestine foods with insufficient degree of digestion.Another one of the fundamental reasons is the errors in the nutrition; essentially related to the quality and amount of the provided ingestion. But in addition we must consider the work that on a daily basis the animal carries out, the excessive exercise, the cooling, the cold drink administration… are all factors of risk that put to the horse in the perfect conditions “to be attacked” by a .

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