Sunday, April 12, 2009

Repulsive of insects

The insects are an important problem for the pole horses. Their natural defenses are fallen to be tied to the trailers or posts by long periods, with their braided tails and saddled. No player wants to see his nervous horses or kicking in reduced spaces, so the repulsive ones are an important part of the general care. There is a great variety of products in the market. The majority contains natural ingredients like the oil of citronella and the pyretrina; others, however, contain synthetic ingredients. They are available in different formats and, by all means, prices: cloth, esprays, aerosols, creams and ointments.

The products with water are less prone to cause to irritations or allergic reactions, although they are not as lasting as the solutions with oil. Many horses are allergic to these last ones and can have severe irritations in the skin or burns. The new solutions of propyleno-glycol are more lasting than those with water and have minors contraindications. It must be had extreme well-taken care of of not there being dew with repulsive the areas of the coat that are covered by the mount. For that reason the cloth is preferable to the aerosols, since when these are applied in open spaces it is very difficult to make sure that the repulsive one covers only the necessary parts.But as the aerosols are the favorites, we advised to apply them on a cloth to distribute it on the coat. If it is not going to use a cloth, it has much taken care of of not sprinkling the nasal eyes and graves, as much of the horse as the own ones.

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