Sunday, April 12, 2009


Many will be wondered why the horses that live in taken care of freedom do not need all this type of and live long years without serious problems in their helmets. The reason is clearly; the human requests to the animal the accomplishment to him of a series of tasks that the wild horse does not have to realise: to load with a rider, to jump, to galopar on asphalt, to remain long hours estabulado… all these activities are not natural and bring about an unnatural tension in the feet and legs of the animal.The cornea of the helmet does not stop growing during all the life of the horse (calculates that approximately a centimeter to the month of average), but also it is worn away, mainly if the animal works on a hard surface. Of there the necessity to use the ironworks, that will serve to avoid the excessive wearing down of the helmet.


The general care of the helmet happens through its cleaning, task to which the maximum importance is due to give him. In the great majority of the cases, the lack of cleaning, along with the use of inadequate fats and excessively humid beds, is the main causes of the serious problems that all we know in the helmets of our animal. For that reason it is fundamental that the cleaning work is realised every day, choosing for it like suitable moment more just before coming to mount.
For the cleaning we will use the denominated LIMPIACASCOS, of the following way:

Trataremos to eliminate the dirt working from the heel towards the fire; putting special taken care of not to penetrate in the soft zones of ranilla.Cuidaremos especially the cleanliness of the furrows collaterals of ranilla, since it is the place preferred for the bacteria, stones and any sharp element. At the time of cleaning the central groove, we will put our maximum attention in the search of any signal of rottenness.Comprobaremos the existence of you do not cut nor cracks, as well as the degree of dryness of the helmet. In case we detect bad scent, a great possibility will exist of being before an infection.If it is thus, we will come to clean the helmet completely and will apply water oxygenated in the affected zones. To this we will at least once repeat it operation to the day (and by all means, we will consult the subject with the veterinarian or horseshoer).

Para to finish the cleaning, we will verify that the horseshoe stays placed perfectly and will pass the fingers through the rivets to verify that they stay in its site. It is necessary to consider that if we did not realise the cleaning on a daily basis, we will not be able to perceive the appearance of a problem until the moment at which the horse begins to cojear; what sometimes it can be too much behind schedule. Besides the cleaning of the helmets, we will have to put special well-taken care of in the cleaning of the stable. It is fundamental that a estabulado animal has a dry and clean bed; it does not have nothing else destructive for the helmets that the ammoniac one of the horse remainders and the bed in decomposition.

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