Sunday, April 12, 2009


In case we observe some of the symptoms before set out, it agrees that we put ourselves immediately in contact with the veterinarian.The fast intervention of the professional becomes essential, since he is unique the able one to determine the real diagnosis and the suitable treatment; to which it will come after an exhaustive analysis of the animal. In addition and what it is not less important, it will calm the pain and it will try to restore the normal digestive operation. But in addition, a series of Preventive measures exists that we can carry out:

* To prohibit him to eat or to drink.
* To avoid that it is knocked down and to prepare an abundant bed to him if we see that it cannot stop doing it.

The treatment, that always will have to be determined by the veterinarian, will depend on the cause originates that it, but in general rules the pain calms to avoid autolesiones and antispasmodics are administered.In the serious cases the operation can be necessary to save the life of the animal.

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