Sunday, April 12, 2009


If a horse undergoes a cólico, will give evident signs of it. It agrees to be kind, the sooner we intercept the disease, major possibility we will have to heal to the animal.
In the first place the observation of the general state and the behavior of the sea urchin is important during some minutes. A horse with a picture of cólicos will give clear restlessness symptoms: one goes from a side to another one of box or pole, investigates or rasca the ground, carries out frequent changes of position (it lies down and it rises), it express its pain with oriented distressing glances towards flanks, tends to lie down with caution or of abrupt way and usually is knocked down.
In case we suspect that the disease exists, we will have to observe another series of important signs:

* The size of the abdomen (increase of one or both sides), the wounds and the traumatisms that take place by the intense pain.
* The presence of food in the comedero.
* Absence of urine in the bed.
* Possible difficulties to tinkle.
* Modifications in the faecal matter.
* Intense perspiration, with important loss of water and the electrolytes (that if they do not recover lead to a shock state).

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