Sunday, April 12, 2009

Taken care of of the coat

In order to facilitate the cooling (cooling) and to avoid that they are enrieden with the reins, the horsehairs of the pole horses are trimmed (roached) with regularity. The horsehairs of the head must be cut near the skin and be maintained of that way. Some players prefer to leave the fall of hair in means of the head without trimming it to provide protection against the flies when the horse is grazing. Others let to a bush of horsehairs above de la Cruz to have a visual guide of the position of the mount.

There are many techniques of the care of a horse that require practice and patience, and the cut of the coat is one of them. Many prefer not to cut it, since when doing it changes it the color, loses the brightness and it is put dry. In the majority of the cases it is cut after a long period of rest, like the months of winter, when the coat grows more dense express and. The results vary between the horses that have been unheeded and those that have been taken care of with regularity, still maintaining their coat of winter. Cut the dark coats and the chestnut ones are clarified to the being. Unlike the horses of exhibition, whose coats are cut by pure aesthetic, in the case of the pole the objective is, mainly, to facilitate the cooling (cooling).

Cutting ones exist in the designed market several of hair for the different parts from the horse: the great ones are used for the body and smallest and quiet for the sensible head, ears and other parts and difficult. Before the cut, the leaves of the shaver must be checked and be replaced if it is necessary, besides oiled frequently during the procedure. The best way to begin is with a good bath, using soap to most of eliminate the dirt of the coat. The hair must be completely dry before beginning to cut it; even, if it is possible, the bath must become the day previous. Thus, with the clean hair, the shavers will work with greater effectiveness and their leaves will last more.

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